Knowledge is Power but Knowledge alone will not produce Results.

Execution is a Fundamental Key Component of producing Results.

Combining Knowledge and Execution Creates Business Success.

So how do we execute effectively?

The answer: Create an implementation process.
Create goals and strategies to meet those goals. Identify tasks under each strategy with an owner and timeline. This becomes your business execution plan for your strategic and visionary plan.

Best Practices for Implementation:
• Involve your key team members and managers.
• Lead them through your mission, vision and key goals for the upcoming year at a minimum. No more than 3 goals to start
• Determine steps to reach the goals and the support team (resources) for each step.
• Determine realistic timelines.
• Have a manager/leader/champion that will pull the team together on a regular basis to check progress and celebrate success.
• Know your pitfalls in executing a plan and talk about it with your team. Put someone in charge to guard against them.
• Readjust your plan as your market changes and you uncover key information. Your plan is never set in stone.